Saturday, August 25, 2007

I´m here!

Well, I´ve been in Honduras for exactly a week, though it has seemed a lot longer. When we arrived (Adam and I), we stayed in San Pedro Sula for a few days. San Pedro was probably the most shocking to me initially. There are tons of American fast food chains, such as Burger King, Popeye´s, KFC, Pizza Hut, and even Quizno´s, scattered around the city (Amazingly, Starbucks isn´t here). Looking around the mall food court, you really wouldn´t even know you weren´t in the US. Cell phones are also really popular here, and yet there isn´t hot water in almost any of the homes. I don´t know what I was expecting, but it wasn´t that. I stayed with a host family during my few days, and it was really nice to be a part of family life. The granddaughter of my host mom and I became fast friends and I spent a lot of time with her. It´s just so much easier to talk to kids, because they don´t really care that you can´t say much as long as you can play. After San Pedro, we went to Azacualpa, the town Adam will be in for the year. It was an interesting contrast, as it was much more of "quaint" town. The house Adam will be living in has a beautiful garden and lots of animals running around. He will be working up in the mountain towns doing ecotourism and education work. After Azacualpa, we went to my town, Tocoa. Tocoa is very different than both Azacualpa and San Pedro (and as it seems, hotter). I´m so excited to work in the school though, as Kari (the previous SALTer) has made a great library and space to work with kids. My host family also seems nice. They have a daughter my age, and I´m hoping we´ll become friends. Right now, I´m in Copan, waiting to go to language school. I´ll be out here for the next two weeks, living with a host family again. I have high hopes for language school, as I´ll do anything to improve my Spanish knowledge. It is pretty frustrating not knowing anything that is being said around you. Luckily, people here are very patient and generous. I spent most of my day lounging around reading. I think it´ll take some time to get used to the slower pace of life around here. I will write more about my thoughts later. It´s been a busy week...

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